30+ Greg Glassman Quotes And Thoughts

William Conti

Greg Glassman quotes
Greg Glassman quotes

Greg Glassman is an American businessman who founded the CrossFit technique of workout. Here in this article, we have mentioned more than 26 Greg Glassman quotes that you are looking for. Let’s start this article with some Greg Glassman Quotes.

Greg Glassman quotes

Greg Glassman quotes
Greg Glassman quotes

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.

greg glassman

he magic is in the movement, the art is in the programming, the science is in the explanation, and the fun is in the community.”

greg glassman

“Clear out your garage and turn it into a gym. There’s no home improvement you can make that’ll benefit you more.”

greg glassman

It is very motivating to get your sac publicly smoked by a five-foot female hippie pottery teacher from the local high school.” (Special Forces reaction to CrossFit seminar)

greg glassman

“Response to stimulus is systemic rather than mechanical”

greg glassman

Stick to the basics and when you feel you’ve mastered them it’s time to start all over again, begin anew – again with the basics – this time paying closer attention.”

greg glassman

The magic is in the movement, the art is in the programming, the science is in the explanation, and the fun is in the community.”

greg glassman

“Exercise physiology is a nascent science”

greg glassman

“Why is it that strength training is commonly recognized as a discipline across several training modalities yet there is no equivalent metabolic conditioning recognized across multiple training modalities?”

greg glassman

The world’s most successful athletes and coaches rely on exercise science the way deer hunters rely on the accordion

greg glassman

Optimizing physical capacity requires training at unsustainable intensities

greg glassman

“Triathletes are sorely lacking in strength, speed, power, flexibility, accuracy, agility, and coordination, but they’ve sure got a lock on malnutrition.”

greg glassman

Other than steroid use I cannot think of a single contribution to athletic performance coming from the sport science community.”

greg glassman

“Optimal physical competency is a compromise, a balancing act; a compromise between not only conflicting but perfectly antagonistic skills. The manner in which you resolve this conflict defines the quality of your fitness and is the art of exercise prescription.”

greg glassman

“Optimal physical competency is a compromise, a balancing act; a compromise between not only conflicting but perfectly antagonistic skills. The manner in which you resolve this conflict defines the quality of your fitness and is the art of exercise prescription.”

greg glassman

If you don’t get the ABCs we don’t jump into English Lit.”

greg glassman

“Clear out your garage and turn it into a gym. There’s no home improvement you can make that’ll benefit you more.”

greg glassman

greg glassman

Endurance athletes are woefully lacking in total physical capacity

greg glassman

“Functional strength is the successful application of force along productive lines.”

greg glassman

“Alter your hormonal milieu”

greg glassman

No, it doesn’t ever get any easier. You wouldn’t want it to either.”

greg glassman

The ultimate strength and conditioning facility is your own garage-gym.”

greg glassman

Hiding from your weaknesses is a recipe for incapacity and error.”

greg glassman

Reserve the long slow distance work for recreational breaks from your regular training regimen.”greg glassman

greg glassman

Pick up any book on nutrition, flip to the index, and look up insulin and hyperinsulinism. If there is nothing there the book is pure bull-shit, put it down.”greg glassman

greg glassman

“Triathletes are sorely lacking in strength, speed, power, flexibility, accuracy, agility, and coordination, but they’ve sure got a lock on malnutrition.”greg glassman

greg glassman

Metabolically inert material can be carved off and replaced [with muscle] with no net displacement.”greg glassman

greg glassman

The cost of regular extended aerobic training is decreased speed, power, and strength.”greg glassman

greg glassman

When dealing with similarly enlightened souls it does do exactly that. When confronting the rest of the world this very same strategy turns you into Scooby Snacks.”greg glassman

greg glassman

Segmenting training efforts delivers a segmented capacity.greg glassman

greg glassman

Training for a fight by running twenty minutes everyday makes perfect sense if you plan on running away from your opponent and know you will be getting a ten minute headstartgreg glassman

greg glassman

There is a ten-year window of improvement in CrossFit regardless of age”greg glassman

greg glassman

“Other than steroid use I cannot think of a single contribution to athletic performance coming from the sport science community.”greg glassman

greg glassman

Traditionally, callisthenic movements are high rep movements, but there are numerous bodyweight exercises that only rarely can be performed for more than a rep or two. Find them. Explore them!”greg glassman

greg glassman


Finally, I hope you found something from these Greg Glassman quotes. Share if you wish it could be helpful to others.

So, this was all about Greg Glassman Quotes and Thoughts, hope you like this article. Thanks for reading.

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