48+ Moon Knight Quotes From Marvel’s Series

William Conti

48+ Moon Knight Quotes From Marvel’s Series 2022

Moon Knight Quotes : By the end of March 2022, we got to see the release of the eighteenth series of MCU along with Disney+, the ‘Moon Knight’. Which has amazed us with the release of its first episode on March 30th, 2022.

I can’t tell the difference between my waking life and dreams.

Steven Grant

Spoiler alert: if you haven’t watched the episodes of Marvel Studio’s “Moon Knight” series, kindly note that this article contains some of the spoilers of the series. And we recommend you to watch it before continuing further here. Thank you.

The series comes with a completely new concept. According to me, it may be related to the “Venom” movie, where the character’s body sustains a creature and provides him enormous superpowers and immunity.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, my name is Steven with a V.

But here, we can see Steven Grant (Oscar Issac) with dissociative identity disorders and share his body with Mercenary Marc Spector. Which we get to see starting from episode one.

He suffers until he found the truth about his body and Marc Spector. His life during the early scene of the show is miserable and often finds himself in trouble. We have picked some of the funny, emotional, and sad quotes from the Moon Knight series of Marvel Studios and Disney+ Hotstar.

The Moon Knight trailer quotes and the lines from its second episode are mentioned well too. As we continue to explore the series, there are many sad, emotional, and funny quotes we come across from Steven, Marc, Khonshu, Arthur, etc.

Steven Grant quotes from Moon Knight Quotes

Still wake up every morning still feeling like I got hit by a bus.

Steven Grant

Honestly, it’s like my body wants to get up and wander about, you know, like it has to get the 10,000 steps in. And I don’t even know about it until I wake up whenever. That’s why I try to stay awake at night. What do you think?

Keeps asking why I don’t take him anywhere nice. Maybe one day, right? He’d love to get out there, but it’s a bit hard with one fin, innit?

Steven Grant

Anyway, sorry I missed you, mom. I’ll try you again tomorrow. Later, gators.

Steven Grant

All the organs come out except for the heart. Because they believed you needed your heart to be judged in the underworld. And only the worthiest would be allowed to pass through the field of reeds.

Steven Grant

I don’t know what this has to do with Egypt really. They didn’t have that back then, did they?

Steven Grant

There are stranger things that people do, but… No? Well, I think it’s a bit… I’m sorry.

Steven Grant

So, the girl I was telling you about, the one from work. We’re going on a date tomorrow.

Steven Grant

Anyway, if I am gonna have a girlfriend, at some point, obviously can’t have ankle restraints on my bed, can I?

Steven Grant

I work at a gift shop. My name’s Steven Grant. I’m trying to get back home. Back to London.

Steven Grant

I see you’re angry, I know I’ve made you angry. I’m sorry, yeah?

Steven Grant

Come on, you bloody cupcake van! Move it!

Steven Grant

Come on, no. I think Friday still comes after Thursday, doesn’t it?

Steven Grant

Go back to sleep, worm.”
“You’re not supposed to be here.”
“Yep. I completely agree. Where are you?”
“Surrender the body to Marc.”
“Sorry, what? “The body”? What… “Surrender the body”? What body?”
“Oh, the idiot’s in control.


Bruv, listen, I must warn you. What you’re about to see is gonna melt your brain. Yeah?

Steven Grant

I swear to God, there was a dog chasing me, like a big hound, or Egyptian jackal. It was a Jackal.

Steven Grant

Listen to me, it’s like area 51, like M16 bonkers, bruv. Yeah?

Steven Grant

I don’t blame ’em. I’m a vandal. I should’ve been arrasted.

Steven Grant

I did find things hidden in my flat. I swear. I’m not joking. That’s worth exploring, isn’t it?

Steven Grant

If I could find that storage locker, that might be my one chance to prove to myself that I’m not mad.

Steven Grant

I’d say you are a compass, but you’re not pointing north.

Steven Grant

Hello, man in the mirror. I was wondering if you’d pop up again.
So, what? Am I, like, meant to be some sort of mad secret agent or something?

Steven Grant

I’m never gonna go to sleep again. You hear me?

Steven Grant

Look, I don’t care how bloody handsome you are.

Steven Grant

Tell me what it is you are. What are you?

Steven Grant

Khonshu? The Egyptian God of the moon?

Steven Grant

Oh, my God, that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.

Steven Grant

I eat one piece of steak, and then, bam, I go bonkers.
I’m not marc Spector. I’m Steven Grant. I work in a gift shop. Well, I used to work in a gift shop. And I think I’m in a real danger. And I think you might be the only person that can help me.

Steven Grant

If Ammit judges people pre-evil, like, before the fact, then isn’t she judging an innocent person? I mean, a thought can’t be evil, can it? I think about killing my boss all the time, but I wouldn’t actually do it.

Steven Grant

What about a child? Would she kill a child for something they might do in 30 years?

Steven Grant

Yeah, I see you, you plug-ugly coyote. You’re in the wrong ends, mate. You’re in my yard now.

Steven Grant

Funny Steven Grant quotes from Moon Knight

ARTHUR- But she was betrayed by indolent fellow gods. By even her own Avatar.

Steven- “Avatars.” Blue people. Love that film.

ARTHUR- By Avatar, what I mean…

Steven- You mean the Anime?

Oh, the idiot’s in control.


Marc Spector quotes from Moon Knight

Marc is the personality that sustains himself through Steven, inside his body. He’s bound to fill certain responsibilities as a contract he dealt with Khonshu.

From the beginning itself, Marc Spector has started to make a place in our hearts.

He is landed powers from Khonshu which we could see in the series.

Steven, I can save us. But I can’t have you fightin’ me this time. You need to give me control. You understand?

Mercenary Marc Spector

You are not gonna die. Let me save us.

Mercenary Marc Spector

Oy, Steven, what the hell are we wearing?
Steven – I don’t know. She said I needed a suit.
Marc – yeah, the ceremonial Armor from Khonshu’s temple, not psycho Colonel Sanders.

Mercenary Marc Spector

Steven, I need you to listen to me very carefully.
I know you’re scared. I know you’re confused. You weren’t suppose to see any of this.

Mercenary Marc Spector

You’re in danger, and I can save us, just like I did last night. But I can’t have you interfering in what I have left to do.

Mercenary Marc Spector

So, this is what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna go lay down on that cot back there. And take a nice nap.

Mercenary Marc Spector

I serve Khonshu. I’m his Avatar. Which means you are, too. Sort of.

Mercenary Marc Spector

We protect the vulnerable and deliver Khonshu’s justice to those who hurt them.

Mercenary Marc Spector

I made a deal with Khonshu. That deal is contingent on you not interfering, Steven.

Mercenary Marc Spector

Now, give me the body. Let me finish this, and you’ll never hear from me again.

Mercenary Marc Spector

You’re gonna get her killed. You hear me?

Mercenary Marc Spector

You show her that scarab, you’re responsible when they come after her.

Mercenary Marc Spector

You don’t need to fight me, Steven. Surrender control.

Mercenary Marc Spector

That was a hell of a punch back there.

Mercenary Marc Spector

Look around. Someone’s gonna get hurt if you don’t let me help.

Mercenary Marc Spector

Sorry. We’ve always managed to keep a wall between us, but, something’s changed. The one who controls the body has become stronger.

Mercenary Marc Spector

The reflections help, but most of the time, I’ll take all your willpower just to be a fly on the wall.

Mercenary Marc Spector

Look, when I am done, when I have repaid my debt, I sware to you, you will never see me or hear from me again. I promise you. We wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for Khonshu. And my…. Servitude is the price that I pay.

Mercenary Marc Spector

I’m protecting her. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Khonshu has his eyes on her. He wants her as my replacement. I’m never gonna let that happen.

Mercenary Marc Spector

Arthur Harrow quotes from Moon Knight

Arthur Harrow appears to be the main challenge to Steven Grant and we are well aware of that. He is the follower of an Egypt Goddess Ammit whose beliefs and principles seem to be irrelevant in the modern world.

Below are some of his quotes from the show.

There’s chaos in you. Embrace the chaos.

Arthur Harrow

What a beautiful day. It’s like we’re in heaven. Only it’s not heaven, is it?

Arthur Harrow

It’s a darkness. Sometimes it hides in our very hearts. We are here to make the Earth as much like heaven as possible.

Arthur Harrow

You’re a brave man. Offering your soul for judgement. Wanting to serve our goddess even before she wakes.

Arthur Harrow

This is the face of a good man.

Arthur Harrow

I believe you. But the scales see everything. Perhaps it’s something that lies ahead.

Arthur Harrow

Well… I wish you could live to see the world we make.

Arthur Harrow

Would you wait to weed a garden till after the roses were dead?

Arthur Harrow

The justice of Ammit surveys the whole of our lives.

Arthur Harrow

She knows what we’ve done, and what we will do.

Arthur Harrow

Had Ammit been free, she would have prevented Hitler and the destruction he wrought.

Arthur Harrow

But she was betrayed. By indolent fellow gods.

Arthur Harrow

It’s maddening, isn’t it? The voice in your head. Relentless, forever unsatisfied. No matter how hard you try to please, it devours you until there’s nothing left but a hollow shell.

Arthur Harrow

I’m sorry for the wait. We just needed a change to better understand your situation.

Arthur Harrow

Well, no wonder your scales don’t balance.

Arthur Harrow

It must be very different having all those voices inside one head. Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Khonshu.

Arthur Harrow

I’m curious, do you think that Khonshu chose you as his Avatar because your mind would be easy to break or because it was broken?

Arthur Harrow

Well, just remember, you don’t have to do everything he asks. So, before you get excited and put on the Cape, I’d love to take the opportunity to show you around.

Arthur Harrow

See, this neighbourhood used to have the highest crime rate in all of the city. There was so much suffering, so much pain. It was truly heartbreaking. Now people don’t lock their doors at night. They feel safe.

Arthur Harrow

People don’t want to hear good news. They’d rather cling to their fear, cling to their pain.

Arthur Harrow

I know being on the right side of things is important to you. Khonshu always tries to ensnare those with a strong moral conscience.

Arthur Harrow

He often throws temper tantrums, like a two-year-old. None of the gods respects him. Perhaps that’s why he’s banished.

Arthur Harrow

I was his former Avatar. Before you. I was the fist of vengeance.

Arthur Harrow

Khonshu punishes those who have already walked an evil path. His retribution comes too late. By the time his fist of vengeance arrives, people have already suffered.

Arthur Harrow

Ammit knows this too well. She tears evil up from the root, casting her judgement before any evil’s done. That’s why we must resurrect her.

Arthur Harrow

You don’t need to doubt her judgement. Ammit will light the path to good by eradicating the choice of evil, which brings us to the scarab.

Arthur Harrow

The cruel masses deserve to face her judgement. And in the wake of their screams, evil eradicated.Arthur Harrow

There is always one last thing.

Arthur Harrow

Sometimes, the cure is a little taste of the disease. The difference between medicine and poison sometimes is only dosage.

Arthur Harrow

You couldn’t possibly understand the value of what you’re holding. Let me have that, I’ll keep it safe.

Arthur Harrow

Sad and emotional quotes from the “Moon Knight” series

You can’t do this, keeping me trapped in here. You have no right. My whole life… I can’t go on a bloody date. I can barely keep a goldfish alive. I lost my job. It’s been you. It’s always been you, eating away at parts of my life like a parasite.

Steven Grant

You ruin people’s lives. Everything you touch, you ruin. You hurt people, you abandoned your wife. You left her stranded.

Steven Grant

I will never give you a moment of peace, I promise.

Steven Grant

Moon Knight is going to be one of the best masterpieces of MCU. Steven Grand however doesn’t agree and find it awkward and senseless to surrender his body to Marc Spector when certain situations arise and they need to fight.

We could see that nothing is going well in the life of Steven Grant. He is leading a simple life by engaging himself in a gift shop job. He lives alone with his goldfish which he bought recently. And ties himself up after heading to the bed because he himself has no idea where will he wake up the next morning.

He keeps in contact with his mother through cell phone and we still have no idea whether her mother is for real or it’s just o a part of his disorder.

Marc manages to take Steven to Arthur Harrow and take away the scarab which has the potential to raise some enormous powers capable of causing panic in the lives of people.

When Marc hides the scarab in Steven’s house, Arthur is now after him. We have already tasted the thrill of this series and hope for its great success. The show is very funny which would keep you interacting with it.

Moon Knight can indeed be a remarkable superhero in the history of MCU. This was all about Moon Knight Quotes. Stay tunned for more such informative, intellectual and motivating quotes. Let’s look forward to it and keep enjoying the series!.

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