28+ Forget The Past And Start A New Life Quotes

William Conti

forget the past quotes and moving on

28+ effective, ‘Forget the past and start a new life’ quotes which would help you to let go the embarrassing past moments and start a new life with new opportunities and energy. I know you are looking for these quotes because you want to forget those embarrassing actions that you practised in your past.

Believe me, I too had a most embarrassing moment in my past, which triggered me a lot, but now I’ve come out from the thinking of those actions and feeling and started my life as a new one. Because those I did was not the actual me as I realized my real potential now, and want to grow and show my inner talent to the world.

And we must learn from the past to never repeat the same anymore! You can always forgive yourself for the past and initiate a new life, it takes nothing but a great courage. This begin this article with a collection of Forget The Past And Start A New Life Quotes.

Forget the past and start a new life quotes

Forget The Past And Start A New Life Quotes
Forget The Past And Start A New Life Quotes

Nothing in the universe can stop you from forgetting the past and starting new life, just be constant to listen your inner voice.

Humans are not born educated, and thus, they commit mistakes, but it’s the moral duty of every human to forget the past and move on to start a new life.

No matter how hard the past is, you can always begin again.


It doesn’t matter who you were, if you have decided to be something that you must been.

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.

”ohn Pierpont “J.P.” Morgan

Never treat yourself for who you were, love yourself for who you want to be.

If we wouldn’t forget the past, we won’t be able to be something that we deserve.

Every day is a chance to begin again. Don’t focus on the failures of yesterday, start today with positive thoughts and expectations.

Catherine Pulsifer

There is nothing wrong in letting go the past and start a new life.

Do not let your shadow walk you. You are not a slave of the past.


You can’t reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterday’s junk.

Louise Smith

To make strong decisions, a strong heart is required, and to forget the past and start a new life, a strong determination is required.

Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead.3

Philippians 3:13

The sadness in your heart is a yesterday you can no longer see, so put it behind you and walk always forward.

Catherine Anderson

Instead of wasting your time on what has passed, shift your energy to what you can do now and tomorrow.

The moment you decide to change yourself into a positive and worth living human; you then have all the rights to forget those pasts which holds you back.

It’s never too late to turn things around! If you feel that way, then consider moving to another place if you can afford it. Get a fresh start.

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.


It’s never too late to become who you want to be. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over.

F. Scott Fitzgeral

Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.

Guy Finley

Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

Jim Rohn

Let’s forget the baggages of the past and make a new beginning.

Shahbaz Sharif

Your past is not something which decides who you are, but what you want to be is what you are.

Our past is only a tragedy which must be forgotten if it has something which holds us back.

Many of has played something worst in our past, but if we won’t forget it, we are not living the way we must live.

Challenge yourself to learn from all your mistakes and do it again the best way.

Forget the past and move on Quotes

forget the past live in the present quotes

The only thing a person can ever really do is keep moving forward. Take that big leap forward without hesitation, without once looking back. Simply forget the past and forge toward the future.

Alyson Noel

It is important that we forgive ourselves for making mistakes. We need to learn from our errors and move on.

Steve Maraboli

Sometimes the past is big enough to let you stop taking any further steps to grow, but remember, we are born everyday, and the best option to forget the past is to remind yourself that you can achieve the life you always wanted, just smile, take a long breathe, and feel yourself as who you want to be, accept the mistakes you comited in the past and promise yourself to be the best of best. You can do it! Get up, move on!

You are much more bigger then the mistakes you comited. May be it embraced you, but you must never take it as your drawback! It only happened because may be you were unaware of the consequences! But I believe, you are starting a new life from today and now. Move on!

Moving on isn’t forgetting the past, it’s learning from it.

Quotes about forgetting the past and being happy

Renew, release, let go. Yesterday’s gone. There’s nothing you can do to bring it back. You can’t should’ve done something. You can only DO something. Renew yourself. Release that attachment. Today is a new day!

Steve Maraboli

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, be happy in the present moment.


The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, be happy and live it.

Thomas S. Monson

24 Tips to forget the past and start a new life

Here I would try to mention some tips which helped me to overcome the worries of the past and move on for the good and worthy. There are Tips from my personal experiences and even from online research.

I just tried to to keep these tips short and understandable, but I highly recommend you to follow the sources I have provided where you can learn to forget your past and move on, in details. More some tips for Forget The Past And Start A New Life Quotes are given below:

  1. Tell yourself that you committed mistakes, accept it, don’t hate it but take it as a challenge to make your present and future best of best.
  2. Remember, sometimes we do mistakes without actually knowing we are doing the wrong, and it’s far better not to treat yourself as someone who did it knowing, or might have done knowingly.
  3. Set a goal which awakes you overnight.
  4. Your goals must be ‘SMART.’
  5. Be regular to daily-life activities to accomplish your goals.
  6. Tell yourself that you are now a positive human, and avoid negative people and things, maybe it difficult, but it’s always upon us that from where and what we have to learn.
  7. As we do in case of selecting the good stuffs and avoiding the average one from the same market, you can even learn from negative people but the knowledge must be positive and avoid the negative knowledge.
  8. Seek mental therapy: as the therapist can better understand what might still be pulling you back? Better explain to them your true incidents of the past. Or maybe in a way it could be true.
  9. Start going with positive thoughts and quotes, read a new positive quote daily, understand them and relate to your life (If applicable).
  10. Increase your relationship with good and positive people, try helping them out while they’re low.
  11. Try helping as much possible, it gives you mental peace.
  12. Try being loyal, honest, and true with your loved ones and family members.
  13. Sometimes, in your defeat, there may be the victory of someone or something you love eternally, so never offed it, be happy as from both side the winner is you.
  14. Accept your responsibilities, never run from them (only when it doesn’t make you feel of uselessness). But also keep in mind, hard and positive responsibilities must not be ignored.
  15. Maintain proper diet, avoid addictive material.
  16. Do regular exercises possible for you.
  17. Analyze the lives of people during our past, understand how people survived with little options.
  18. Maintain a friendly environment, avoid being alone for long.
  19. Do not consider yourself as the worst. You still have something unique. Pull it out.
  20. Avoid doing things which won’t matter for your well being. Even ignore those which relate you to your past, (If possible).
  21. Watch motivational speeches and seminars available online for free.
  22. Do not get stuck with sad quotes, images or WhatsApp statuses. Read and share something which could benefit people in every situation they are in.
  23. Try spending time with people you like.
  24. Be nature friendly, try having 5 minutes of fresh air alone in nature.


Thank you for reading our article about ‘forget the past and start a new life quotes.’ I hope it was helpful and you learned or gained from it. The goal of this article was to help people come out of the unwanted memories of the past which holds them back and start a new life.

Have a good day, friend! You are special and unique, keep growing! This was all about Forget The Past And Start A New Life Quotes. Hope you like this article so make sure to check out our other articles.

How to forget the past and start a new life?

In order to forget your past; first of all, don’t think yourself as the person you were, feel like you’ve changed and have learned from your past. Meet new people, watch motivational videos, read articles and go through some positive quotes.

Explore new opportunities, set the goal which makes you feel energetic. Avoid concentrating on people whom you assume as the reason you could never forget your past. Also seek therapy if possible and start taking your responsibilities. Go out and have little fun with your old good friends, or try making some new.

How to forget the past and move on with your life?

Tell yourself that you committed mistakes, accept it, don’t hate it but take it as a challenge to make your present and future best of best.
Remember, sometimes we do mistakes without actually knowing we are doing the wrong, and it’s far better not to treat yourself as someone who did it knowing, or might have done knowingly.
Set a goal which awakes you overnight.
Your goals must be ‘SMART.’
Be regular to daily-life activities to accomplish your goals.

How to stop dwelling on the past and start moving forward?

Try bringing many new things in your life, new people, new memories, new ways and new thinking. Never think that you can’t change the past, everyone knows it! But you can make something better than that. Take yourself as something very important. Prioritize yourself. Ask with your true or old friends the answers of all those personal questions you have with yourself. Help others whenever possible. Try being loyal with friends, parents and loved ones. Keep smiling.

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